Your High Risk Stroke? Learn the Symptoms and Find Relief Soon

RSUP stroke unit head Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, Dr. Ismail Setyopranoto SpS (K), say, those at high risk should recognize early signs of stroke symptoms and immediately to the hospital for immediate assistance. According to him, the potential risk factors for strokes caused by hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease and hypercholesterolemia who had suffered by patients.

To avoid a stroke, pegenalan early signs of stroke symptoms and referral to hospital efforts should be done immediately. According to him, the success of stroke therapy is largely determined by the speed of action in the acute stage, which means the longer the effort referral to the hospital or the longer the time between when an attack by the timing of therapy means the worse the prognosis.

"Treatment of patients with bleeding strokes should be done in the intensive care unit (ICU). If the acquired volume over 30 cc of the bleeding, bleeding intraventrikuler with hydrocephalus or clinical state of patients tend to deteriorate, "he added.

He said the number of stroke patients at Sardjito 70 percent of which include acute ischemic stroke and 30 percent of bleeding strokes. The number of deaths in ischemic stroke rate of 9.3 percent and 14.4 percent of bleeding strokes.

"Stroke with an acute attack, can cause death within a short time. It is a major cause of physical or mental disability in the productive age and old age," said Ismail when speaking at seminars and somposium Clinical Updates 2011 in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UGM (16 -17 / 1).

Admittedly, the management of acute stroke care in the hospital is doing to minimize the number of cells undergoing damage. The way through panumbra tissue repair and prevention of further bleeding in intracerebral hemorrhage.


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