Routine Control Very Important for People with Diabetes

Approximately 7.7 percent of Indonesia did not know he was suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM). This percentage is equivalent to 11 million people. Figures based on data Ministry of Health, 2007. The data also showed that only about 23 percent of the schools he was suffering from DM. This figure is equivalent to three million people.

"From this data could be summed up most people do not understand what is diabetes. In addition, people also do not understand about the disease diabetes. They beranggpan DM diseases such as flu or colds. Once healed directly taking medication," says internist, Dr. Tri July Edi Tarigan PD Sp (K).

This, he says, because of the knowledge society and culture are still minimal on the DM. Most people do not mengatahui DM is forever. Disease caused by failure or lack of it will stick to the proper functioning of insulin in patients continues.

Lazy control becomes the next factor. The doctor who was familiarly called TJ says, "People Indonesia assumed control of the disease once went wrong. As soon as it comes control, blood sugar is rising or too low. Complications have occurred."

In fact, for diabetics, the control routine is very important. This control to determine the type and dose of medication. The type, dose, and schedule of visits vary depending on sugar content. Currently RSCM most diabetics who were treated using oral medications. The amount is approximately 47 percent. Drug injecting around 30 percent, while the combined estimated 23 percent.

A further factor is fear of kidney damage. TJ said this is not true. Kidney damage in diabetics due to high sugar levels. Medication for diabetics and blood thinners are designed not cause kidney damage.


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