Routine Control Very Important for People with Diabetes

Approximately 7.7 percent of Indonesia did not know he was suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM). This percentage is equivalent to 11 million people. Figures based on data Ministry of Health, 2007. The data also showed that only about 23 percent of the schools he was suffering from DM. This figure is equivalent to three million people.

"From this data could be summed up most people do not understand what is diabetes. In addition, people also do not understand about the disease diabetes. They beranggpan DM diseases such as flu or colds. Once healed directly taking medication," says internist, Dr. Tri July Edi Tarigan PD Sp (K).

This, he says, because of the knowledge society and culture are still minimal on the DM. Most people do not mengatahui DM is forever. Disease caused by failure or lack of it will stick to the proper functioning of insulin in patients continues.

Lazy control becomes the next factor. The doctor who was familiarly called TJ says, "People Indonesia assumed control of the disease once went wrong. As soon as it comes control, blood sugar is rising or too low. Complications have occurred."

In fact, for diabetics, the control routine is very important. This control to determine the type and dose of medication. The type, dose, and schedule of visits vary depending on sugar content. Currently RSCM most diabetics who were treated using oral medications. The amount is approximately 47 percent. Drug injecting around 30 percent, while the combined estimated 23 percent.

A further factor is fear of kidney damage. TJ said this is not true. Kidney damage in diabetics due to high sugar levels. Medication for diabetics and blood thinners are designed not cause kidney damage.

Irregular Heartbeats no Stroke Risk

Irregular heartbeat or "atrial fibrillation" is one risk factor for stroke are largely unknown people in Indonesia when the risks outweigh the other risk factors.
"Atrial fibrillation is one of the major risk factor for ischemic stroke and individuals who are suffering a stroke five-fold risk compared with the general population," said Dr.dr. Yoga Yuniadi, SpJP (K) in a media briefing to commemorate World Stroke Day here on Thursday.
There are five major stroke risk factors that can be managed to prevent stroke is high blood pressure (hypertension), smoking habits, physical inactivity, diabetes and atrial fibrillation.
Stroke or heart disease often called the cause of death is highest for the category of non-communicable diseases where an estimated one person in the world dies every six seconds because of a stroke, or nearly six million people annually.
In addition to high mortality, stroke patients who survived then suffered a physical disability that is not only lowers the quality of their lives but also family life and those around him. Likewise, the economic implications caused by the patient can not become fully productive.
Meanwhile, people are asked to be aware of an irregular heartbeat, because if the stroke, the impact is usually more severe compared with other risk factors.
"A stroke associated with atrial fibrillation is generally more severe, the impact is much worse and longer treatment compared with patients who did not have atrial fibrillation," said Yoga.
Atrial fibrillation is thought to be the main cause of 15-20 percent higher overall incidence of stroke and stroke severity suffered by patients with atrial fibrillation indicated that they will experience a decline in quality of life that is more drastic than those who do not.
"Therefore, patients with atrial fibrillation is a group that should get serious treatment to reduce the overall burden of stroke in the community," said Yoga.
In commemoration of World Stroke Day is celebrated every October 20, Stroke Foundation of Indonesia and PT Bayer Indonesia launched the "Beat the Risk" through various forms of activities such as development of online educational sites, programs on radio talk shows as well as free health tests to detect fibrillation the atrium.
"World Stroke Day celebration is a good momentum to increase public awareness of the dangers of stroke and jointly launched the action to combat it," said Chief Executive of the Stroke Foundation of Indonesia Haryono Suyono.
Meanwhile, Director of PT Bayer Indonesia Doumit Allen said that the campaign was part of efforts to provide and disseminate information to the public about atrial fibrillation.
"After that, expected to raise awareness of the importance of early detection and treatment of atrial fibrillation for stroke prevention," he said.
The main objective of the management of atrial fibrillation is called Yoga is to reduce long-term risks arising from those conditions, especially stroke. Prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation can be done through pharmacological therapy to reduce the risk of blood clots.

Diabetes Twice Greater Stroke Risk

People with diabetes are two times greater risk of stroke. It is said to be teachers of the Division of Endocrine Metabolic Medical Faculty University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine) Dr. Eddie Tarin Tri July PD Sp (K).

"Diabetes is a trigger. The disease is also not the direct cause of death. This disease can cause complications. People with diabetes also have the possibility of amputation nonkecelakaan. Amounting to 75 percent of diabetics die of heart attacks," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/11).

Diabetes is a disease caused by failure or lack of proper functioning of insulin. Insulin is produced organ pancreas. Functions of insulin such as 'funnel' that delivers sugar into the cells.

If the 'funnel' is absent or not functioning optimally, sugar is not channeled into the cell. As a result, sugar is eaten into the blood. Cells that can not eat will starve and destroy himself.

This disease has a type one and two. Type of the objec damaged pancreas and does not produce insulin. As a result, the body suffers an absolute deficit of insulin. In type two, there is damage to body cells despite adequate amount of insulin. This resulted in relative insulin deficit.

Diabetes is a disease related to lifestyle. "It used to diabetics age range 50 to 60. Now age twenty've got even a dozen," said the doctor who often greeted this TJ.

Irregular eating habits and a good number of portions, smoking, and lack of exercise to be triggered. Society must raise awareness of this disease.

TJ said, people usually are not aware of diabetes. When the control has occurred complications. As a result of treatment must be given immediately. Currently pemunuh diabetes has become number two after the stroke.

This disease can actually be prevented. "Notice the portions and frequency of eating. Rajin consumption of vegetables and fruits. Do not forget to exercise. Minimum 30 minutes, three to five times a week," said TJ.