Diabetes Twice Greater Stroke Risk

People with diabetes are two times greater risk of stroke. It is said to be teachers of the Division of Endocrine Metabolic Medical Faculty University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine) Dr. Eddie Tarin Tri July PD Sp (K).

"Diabetes is a trigger. The disease is also not the direct cause of death. This disease can cause complications. People with diabetes also have the possibility of amputation nonkecelakaan. Amounting to 75 percent of diabetics die of heart attacks," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/11).

Diabetes is a disease caused by failure or lack of proper functioning of insulin. Insulin is produced organ pancreas. Functions of insulin such as 'funnel' that delivers sugar into the cells.

If the 'funnel' is absent or not functioning optimally, sugar is not channeled into the cell. As a result, sugar is eaten into the blood. Cells that can not eat will starve and destroy himself.

This disease has a type one and two. Type of the objec damaged pancreas and does not produce insulin. As a result, the body suffers an absolute deficit of insulin. In type two, there is damage to body cells despite adequate amount of insulin. This resulted in relative insulin deficit.

Diabetes is a disease related to lifestyle. "It used to diabetics age range 50 to 60. Now age twenty've got even a dozen," said the doctor who often greeted this TJ.

Irregular eating habits and a good number of portions, smoking, and lack of exercise to be triggered. Society must raise awareness of this disease.

TJ said, people usually are not aware of diabetes. When the control has occurred complications. As a result of treatment must be given immediately. Currently pemunuh diabetes has become number two after the stroke.

This disease can actually be prevented. "Notice the portions and frequency of eating. Rajin consumption of vegetables and fruits. Do not forget to exercise. Minimum 30 minutes, three to five times a week," said TJ.


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